Increasing the Awareness and Tolerance of the Bulgarian Society and Migrant Communities in Bulgaria

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The project is funded by the National Program of Bulgaria under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
with the financial support of the European Union and the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The overall objective of the activities envisaged under the project is to contribute to the improvement of the social solidarity and tolerance of the Bulgarian society as a host society with respect to third-country nationals (TCNs) legally residing in Bulgaria, including persons who are seeking or have been granted international protection in Bulgaria. Special attention will be paid to introducing Bulgarian society to the problems and needs of migrants and, in particular, those of vulnerable migrants such as unaccompanied children, persons suffering from health problems, pregnant women, survivors of human trafficking, etc.

Start date: 11.10.2017
End date: 10.10.2022
Term of implementation: 48 months
You can find more information about the project here.

Training and Counselling of Legal Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection

EU flag                                                                                                Bulgaria flag                         

The project is funded by the National Program of Bulgaria under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
with the financial support of the European Union and the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The overall objective of the project is to provide support to third-country nationals (TCNs) legally residing in Bulgaria, including asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, for the purposes of facilitating their social, economic and cultural integration. TCNs will receive information about the legal rights and obligations related to their stay in Bulgaria and will improve their knowledge concerning relevant social, educational, health and labor service providers.

Start date: 11.10.2017
End date: 10.10.2022
Term of implementation: 48 months
More information about the project can be found here.

Provision of Integration Support to Asylum Seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection in Bulgaria

EU flag                                                                                                Bulgaria flag                         

The project is funded by the National Program of Bulgaria under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
with the financial support of the European Union and the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The overall objective of the project is to provide support to third-country nationals (TCNs) legally residing in Bulgaria, including asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, for the purposes of facilitating their social, economic and cultural integration. TCNs will receive information about the legal rights and obligations related to their stay in Bulgaria and will improve their knowledge concerning relevant social, educational, health and labor service providers.

Overall objective of the project: within the framework of this project, IOM will provide administrative, legal, health, psychological and social assistance to persons seeking international protection or beneficiaries of international protection in Bulgaria, with special attention being paid to the needs of vulnerable groups. The team of experts, comprising a psychologist, social worker and legal counselor, will provide services in the Registration and Reception Centers (RRCs) of the State Agency for Refugees (SAR) and at IOM’s offices in Sofia and Harmanli.

Start date: 07.12.2017
End date: 06.12.2022
Term of implementation: 36 months
More information about the project can be found here.

Legal Counselling and Interpretation Services to Asylum Seekers in Bulgaria

EU flag                                                                                                Bulgaria flag                         

The project is funded by the National Program of Bulgaria under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
with the financial support of the European Union and the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The overall objective of the project is to provide legal assistance and interpretation services to third-country nationals (TCNs) who have applied for international protection in Bulgaria within the meaning of Directive 2011/95/EC but have not yet received a final decision. Information and awareness-raising services in relation to the rights and responsibilities of TCNs will also be offered.

Status: ACTIVE

Start date: 11.10.2017
End date: 10.10.2022
Term of implementation: 48 months
More information about the project can be found here.

Strengthening the Capacity of National Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations in the Field of Asylum

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The project is funded by the National Program of Bulgaria under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
with the financial support of the European Union and the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The overall objective of the project is to improve the services offered to persons seeking international protection by strengthening and enhancing the administrative capacity of national institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working with these persons.

Status: ACTIVE

Start date: 11.10.2017
End date: 10.10.2022
Term of implementation: 48 months
More information about the project can be found here.

Provision of Social and Psychological Support to Asylum Seekers in Bulgaria, Including Identification of and Support to Vulnerable Groups

EU flag                                                                                                Bulgaria flag                         

The project is funded by the National Program of Bulgaria under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
with the financial support of the European Union and the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Overall objective of the project: within the framework of this project, IOM will provide social and psychological support during the initial phase of adaptation of persons seeking international protection, as well as identification of and support to vulnerable persons. A team of experts, comprising a psychologist, social worker and cultural mediator, will provide services at the Registration and Reception Centers (RRCs) of the State Agency for Refugees (SAR) in Banya, Harmanli, Pastrogor and Sofia and in IOM’s offices. In order to improve coordination and communication with the Bulgarian institutions, the consulting team will be supported by experts who will assist in the planning and scheduling of consultations, liaison with institutions and accessing healthcare and social services.

Status: ACTIVE

Start date: 11.10.2017
End date: 10.10.2022
Term of implementation: 48 months
More information about the project can be found here.

Awareness raising of local communities in areas with significant share of Roma population on asylum and migration issues

Norway grants logo                                                                                                                              Bulgaria flag                         

                  The project is financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.


“Awareness raising of local communities in areas with significant share of Roma population on asylum and migration issues”.​

The project is financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021

Overall objective of the project:

The objective of the project is to facilitate the access to information of the Roma communities in the sphere of legislation, regulating issues regarding asulym and migration, as well as the risks of exploitation in Bulgaria, the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). 

The target group of the project will receive information about the rights and obligations they have when migrating in countries of the EU/EEA and information on subjects such as asulym and migration, human trafficking, risks and access to protection of labour exploitation in the EU/EEA, accomodation and labour conditions, access to healthcare and social services and other such topics. 

Status: ACTIVE

Start date: 30.01.2020
End date: 30.01.2024
Term of implementation: 48 months

You can find more information here.

Support for asylum seekers in Bulgaria

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The project is funded by the National Program of Bulgaria under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
with the financial support of the European Union and the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The overall objective of the project is improving the mechanism for social and psychological assistance for asylum seekers (AS) by identifying vulnerable persons and their needs, including the needs of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) and providing a safe environment and social support for the UASC.

Start date: 28.01.2021 
End date: 28.07.2022 
Term of implementation: 18 months

You can find more information about the project here.

Awareness rising for labour mobility in Bulgaria

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The project is funded by the National Program of Bulgaria under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
with the financial support of the European Union and the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The overall objective of the project is to provide support to prospective migrants from Armenia, Georgia and Moldova to improve their decision-making process in regard to potential labour migration to Bulgaria, by providing them with comprehensive information on living and working in Bulgaria. Thus, the project will allow people to take an informed decision when considering moving in Bulgaria and will reduce the risk of violating the law and/or becoming a victim of abuse and labour exploitation.

The project is implemented by IOM Mission in Bulgaria in coordination and operational collaboration with IOM Missions in Armenia, Georgia and Moldova.

Start date: 28.01.2021
End date: 31.12.2022

You can find more information about the project here

Useful information for citizens of the Republic of Moldova


Capacity Building for Voluntary Return

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The project is funded by the National Program of Bulgaria under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
with the financial support of the European Union and the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Overall objective of the project:

Improvement of voluntary return management by encouraging and supporting the return of third-country nationals (TCNs). Achievement of this goal will support the implementation of measures for voluntary return and reintegration by building capacity of public institutions and non-government organizations (NGOs) in Bulgaria.

Start date: 28.01.2021
End date: 27.01.2023
Term of implementation: 24 months
You can find more information about the project here.

Information and consulting for voluntary return

EU flag                                                                                                Bulgaria flag                         

The project is funded by the National Program of Bulgaria under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
with the financial support of the European Union and the budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

 BG65AMNP001-3.005-0003-C02 “Information and consulting for voluntary return”, Agreement No 812108-61/09.10.2019

The overall goal of the project is contribution to the improvement the management of the return of third-country nationals to Bulgaria by encouraging and supporting the voluntary return and raising the awareness of third-country nationals about the possibilities for voluntary return and reintegration of countries of origin and third countries. countries.

Start date: 09.10.2019
End date: 31.12.2022
Implementation: 38 months
You can find more information on the project here.


Emergency Response to Persons Fleeing the Conflict in Ukraine      

The project is funded by the Bureau for Population Refugees and Migration of the US State Department

PRM logo

Project Description: 

According to the Bulgarian authorities, 133,567 refugees from Ukraine have entered Bulgaria since the 24th of February, of which 61,196 persons have remained, including 22,00 children.[2] The majority of refugees from Ukraine are women and children, increasing family separation and vulnerability to violence, exploitation and abuse. Estimates of UNHCR and the Special Task Force formed by the Bulgarian government forecast between 100,000 and 500,000 refugees to enter Bulgaria from Ukraine – an unprecedented influx for the country. Yet it is expected that half of them will travel through Bulgaria as a transit country. On March 3, 2022, the EU member states agreed to activate the Temporary Protection Directive. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria voted in favour of the measure on March 9, 2022. The Directive allows people who have registered as seeking temporary protection in Bulgaria to receive access to social and health services, education, and be able to join the labour market in the country. Currently the national legislation framework is being amended to ensure access to all the rights provided for in the Temporary Protection Directive, and it is unclear when exactly the Ukrainian citizens will be able to enjoy the full spectrum of rights in Bulgaria. According to the official information, about 27,325 persons have registered under the Temporary Protection Directive from all reported Ukrainian nationals who have entered the country visa free for up to 90 days stay.  

With this project, IOM will contribute to strengthening the quality and service of the reception system in Bulgaria in providing protection and adaption support to conflict-affected people from Ukraine in line with national commitments on the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive. 

Project activities will include:  

- Scale-up IOM Bulgaria mobile protection teams (consisting of social workers, psychologists, and interpreters) to provide protection and adaptation support to conflict-affected persons from Ukraine arriving in Bulgaria, with a focus on vulnerable persons, such as children, (accompanied and unaccompanied), single women, female-headed households, persons at risk or victims of trafficking, persons with disabilities, persons with serious illnesses, persons of diverse sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, and survivors of GBV including: 

- Carry out gender, age and diversity-sensitive needs assessments, and provide initial support in accessing healthcare services (e.g., payment for interventions and medication and accompaniment) and access to NFI/food vouchers. 

  • information sessions, individual and group counselling 
  • support in accessing employment - job search and facilitation of access to the labour market in Bulgaria 
  • social counselling and support in accessing social services 
  • administrative support in accessing education services - kindergarten, childcare services and schools 

Start date: 01.03.2022
End date: 31.12.2022
Implementation: 9 months

Emergency Response to People Fleeing the Conflict in Ukraine      

The project is funded by the The Migrant and Refugee Fund (MRF) of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)

MRF logo                                                             CEB logo



Project Description: 

IOM will work to establish and improve access to fundamental protection services for people fleeing Ukraine and TCNs in vulnerable situation arriving to Bulgaria from Ukraine. This will include the identification of vulnerable persons, such as children, (accompanied and unaccompanied), single women, female-headed households, persons at risk or victims of trafficking, persons with disabilities, persons with serious illnesses, persons of diverse sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, and survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) in need of protection, direct provision of protection and assistance services and, where needed, referral to other organizations or institutions. It will also include outreach to most at-risk populations to provide them with information on their rights, protection risks, how to ensure self-protection by promoting the self-help approach, how to report crimes and violations, and how and where to access protection services. 

Envisaged project activities will be as follows:  

1) Scale-up IOM Bulgaria mobile protection teams (consisting of legal counsellors, social workers, psychologists, and social mediators) and rapid response unit (RRU) to provide support and direct assistance to refugees and migrants in vulnerable situations, together with interpreters, with a focus on vulnerable persons, such as children, (accompanied and unaccompanied), single women, female-headed households, persons at risk or victims of trafficking, persons with disabilities, persons with serious illnesses, persons of diverse sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, and survivors of GBV.  

2) Scale-up of the pool of interpreters from Ukrainian and Russian languages, to be available also to national partners at requests on-the-spot and by phone, to facilitate communication and cultural mediation to TCNs.  

3) Provision of direct assistance and emergency support to Ukrainians – as per identified needs – e.g. distribution of food packages, NFIs, hygiene and sanitary kits, procured and disbursed rapidly by IOM under its internal procurement rules.  

4) Carry out gender, age and diversity-sensitive needs assessments, and provide support in accessing healthcare services (e.g., payment for interventions and medication and accompaniment) and shelter (e.g., financial support for permanent or in transit accommodation), access to cash to meet their basic needs (cash-based interventions) and/or access to cultural mediation/interpretation by a pool of interpreters from Russian and Ukrainian.  

5) Scale-up the early adaption support provided by the mobile protection teams and Migrant Information center in Sofia, with a focus on vulnerable persons and those declaring their intention to remain in Bulgaria, including: 

- social counselling and support in accessing social services;  

- administrative support in accessing education services - kindergarten, childcare services and schools; 

- information sessions, individual and group counselling; 

- support in accessing employment - job search and facilitation of access to the labour market in Bulgaria; 

- Bulgarian language courses – as per declared interest and needs. 

Start date: 27.06.2022
End date: 31.12.2022
Implementation: 6 months