
Information session and support provision in Plovdiv for refugees from Ukraine

On January 13, IOM Bulgaria conducted an information session addressing employment rights and integration for refugees from Ukraine. Led by a qualified legal expert, the presentation encompassed employment dynamics, social and health insurance, education access, labor qualifications, and essential documents. Approximately 40 individuals actively participated in the event.

info session in Plovdiv

Following the session, IOM staff conducted vulnerability assessments for select refugees from Ukraine, providing financial aid through prepaid cards to those meeting the vulnerability criteria. School supplies kits were also distributed to children of various ages.

IOM remains dedicated to supporting those displaced by the ongoing war in Ukraine

These activities were made possible with the support of: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, The U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), The German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO)

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