
Closing event of the project "Awareness rising for Labour Mobility in Bulgaria"

EU flag, IOM logo and Bulgarian flag

The project is implemented by the International Organization for Migration - Mission in Bulgaria, in operational cooperation with the IOM missions in Armenia, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova.

The event was attended by the IOM Heads of Missions of Bulgaria and Armenia, Mr. Radoslav Stamenkov and Ms. Ilona Terminasyan, who delivered opening speeches. All operational experts of the project from their partner countries were also present.

Participants during the event

During the event, presentations were made with information on the activities carried out in Armenia. Updates were also provided on the state of the labour market in Bulgaria, economic sectors with serious labour shortages, seasonal employment and other opportunities for labour mobility to Bulgaria, including the Blue Card. The stage of development of the additional protocols for the implementation of the bilateral agreement on labour mobility between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Armenia was discussed.

printed information materials

Mr. Hrair Hakobyan, Head of the Department of Cooperation with Employers and Labor Migration of the Integrated Social Service, provided useful information and opinions during the discussion panel. The project operational experts from the four countries provided an update on the project activities implemented in each country, as well as additional information on government initiatives to regulate migration processes and legal migration.


SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals