
Photography storytelling workshop for unaccompanied minors

In implementation of the project "Support for unaccompanied minors, seeking international protection", IOM Bulgaria organized a photography storytelling workshop for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children accommodated in the Safety Zone at RRC Sofia - Ovcha Kupel.

IOM staff with unaccompanied children walking on the street

Photography serves as an excellent tool for exploring both the inner world of children and the reality that surrounds them. Photography activities provide an outlet for self-expression and a means to connect with others.

unaccompanied child taking a photo

During the workshop, the children had the opportunity to explore the area around the RRC, capturing visual and emotional impressions with their cameras. Subsequently, they collectively reviewed everyone's photos, selecting those they deemed successful. They then engaged in discussions with IOM staff, reflecting on the meanings and emotions evoked by the chosen photos.

unaccompanied children during photography workshop

The unaccompanied children displayed a keen interest in the activity, finding it both inspiring and engaging. This positive response has motivated the IOM Bulgaria team to consider organizing more photography workshops in the future.

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These activities were realised with the financial support of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.