Кои сме ние
кои сме ниеМеждународна организация по миграция (МОМ) е част от системата на ООН като водеща междуправителствена организация, насърчаваща от 1951 г. хуманна и регламентирана миграция в полза на всички, със 175 държави-членки и присъствие в над 100 държави. Мисията на МОМ в България е установена през 2000 г.
МОМ в глобален мащаб
МОМ в глобален мащаб
Нашата работа
Нашата работаКато водеща междуправителствена организация, която от 1951 г. насам насърчава хуманната и регламентирана миграция, МОМ играе ключова роля в подкрепа на постигането на Програма 2030 чрез различни области на интервенция, които свързват както хуманитарната помощ, така и устойчивото развитие. В цяла България МОМ подпомага развитието на национални механизми за борба и противодействие на трафика на хора и подкрепя жертвите на трафик.
Какво правим
Какво правим
Междусекторни дейности
Междусекторни дейности
- Данни и ресурси
- Предприемете действие
- 2030 Agenda
Refurbishment work in sector B, building 10 of the Registration and reception centre – Harmanli at State Agency for Refugees, for the establishment of a Safe zone for unaccompanied and separated children as part of the project “Enhancing support and integration, care and protection for refugee and migrant children in EU countries”, implemented by UNICEF (Subject to funding)
ITB Reference No: 010/2023 |
Country: Bulgaria |
Date: 15 June 2023 |
International Organization for Migration, hereinafter referred to as IOM, hereby invites prospective bidders to submit a bid in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract and the Schedule of Requirements as set out in this Invitation to Bid (ITB).
If you are interested in submitting a bid in response to this ITB, please prepare your bid in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this ITB and submit it by the deadline for submission of bids set out in Section 3: Data Sheet.
Please acknowledge receipt of this ITB by completing and returning the attached Form A: Bid Confirmation by email to iomsofia@iom.int no later than 22 June 2023, indicating whether you intend to submit a bid or not. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the contact person/s identified in Section 3: Data Sheet as the focal point for queries on this ITB.
Deadline for bid submission |
Date: 06-Jul-23 Time: 14:00 Time zone: Eastern European Summer Time (GMT+3) |
Instruction for bid submission |
Allowable manner of submitting proposals: ☒ Courier / hand delivery SUBMISSION BY COURIER / HAND DELIVERY: Bid submission address: 77 Tsar Asen Str., 1463 Sofia, Bulgaria ▪ The bidder shall submit the bid in one sealed envelope containing the technical and price components. ▪ The envelope shall indicate the name and address of the bidder. ▪ The outer envelope must be clearly marked with the following: *ONLY TO BE OPENED BY AUTHORISED PERSONNEL* Invitation to Bid Reference: 010/2023 Attention: The Chairperson Bids Evaluation and Award Committee (BEAC) Bidders name and details |
Clarification of solicitation documents
Contact details for clarification of solicitation documents: Focal Person: Ivan Radulov Address: 77 Tsar Asen Str., 1463 Sofia, Bulgaria E-mail address: iomsofia@iom.int |
Delivery Date | Bidder shall deliver the works until 30 November 2023 at the latest. |
We look forward to receiving your bid.